Goals: Belgium


The main goal of the Belgian Planning Commission is:

  • To monitor and observe the current workforce situation. For now, the planning commission tries to maintain the current level and workforce distribution.
  • An implicit baseline goal is to assure the replacement of health professionals for the future, making sure the growth of both population and the expected impact of the ageing of the population, is reflected in the future available stock of health professionals. This implicit goal influences the planning process but is not hard-coded into the planning tool.

The commission currently has no common or official position on which workforce level is required or preferred (the desired number of health care professionals/habitant).

For further information

See the presentation of the Commission de planification de l’offre medicale on the Belgian Planning Commission official web site (http://www.health.fgov.be/eportal/Healthcare/Consultativebodies/Planningcommission/index.htm).

The mathematical planning model is used to model the current (and future) workforce situation, but not to model the desired workforce situation, since the commission currently has no common or official position on which workforce level is required or preferred (the desired number of health care professionals/ habitant).

We could take into account some working conditions (hours worked / year) and also the future changes in training. Although, we are limited to quantifiable information. This means we could take into account the changing duration of the study, but not the qualitative changes.

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