Forecasting model: Denmark Frequency of updating


The projections are updated every 2-3 years.

Normally a new forecast is produced just after setting the 5 year plan for the number of postgraduate training posts. 2-3 years later a new forecast is made taking into account possible changes in the models assumptions. This revised forecast is afterwards used as hearing material in the process of drafting a new 5-year plan setting the number of postgraduate training posts. The process of drafting a 5-year plan is usually started 2 years ahead of when the plan is to be implemented.

The current 5-year plan for medical specialists cover the period 2013-2017. The normal procedure leads to that the process of drawing up the plan for the period 2018-2023 is expected to start in 2016 with an expected publication date late 2016.

This gives the regions that are to implement the plan one year to prepare the implementation.

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