Main aspects:
- England has developed a workforce planning approach that recognises the complexity of factors influencing demand and supply and the intrinsic uncertainty of the future. A system thinking approach is used to plan workforces across public health, health and social care, including skills and competencies at a system level. Methods include horizon scanning, scenario generation, systems dynamics modelling / simulation and policy analysis;
- A major feature of the work in England is the high degree of stakeholder involvement, which is critical to arrive at a shared view of future challenges, and in making policy decisions;
- The key benefits of this approach are to support longer-term planning, to provide robust decision-making that takes into account the uncertainties of the future, and to help decision makers be more alert to emerging risks as the future unfolds;
- Key policy actions have been taken as a result of the approach and organisation of the England system for workforce planning. This includes regular review of workforces at a system level as well as across public health, health and social care, the use and development of innovative leading methods to support policy makers, such as the Department of Health to be the steward of the system, Health Education England who delivers each year a national workforce plan. The Centre for Workforce Intelligence has delivered over 20 major studies and over 400 publications in the last 5 years to support decision makers in the English system.
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